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AWACS is the Airborne Warning and Control System

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AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System), a surveillance aircraft equipped with an aerial radar, can detect aircraft at low altitudes and on any terrain. It can be used to perform reconnaissance, command and controlling, and communications. The radar dome rotates above its fuselage. The antenna is 9m (30feet) in diameter and can cover up to 400km of airspace. It can detect low-flying aircraft from a distance of 200 nautical mile. Its primary mission is to detect and monitor airborne threats. It can also direct its own air defense systems. It is used worldwide by the US Air Force as well as France, Great Britain, Saudi Air Force, and Great Britain.

AWACS was used in the 1991 Persian Gulf War as well as the UN's enforcement of a no flight zone over Bosnia. They provided critical information on enemy actions. They were also able to help strike aircraft and targets pair. These aircraft also assisted in preventing "blue_on_blue" attacks. They can also act as a force multiplier. NATO used AWACS in the past. The aircraft provided situational alert for the Global Coalition of Defeat ISIS. AWACS aircraft also support major sporting events as well as war games such the Red Flag games in America and NATO exercises in Scandinavia, the Balkans and the Balkans.


AWACS aircraft can be deployed to any location around the globe. They can be flown in both daytime and nighttime. They are usually assigned at least two operational flying units. They may fly as many as three times per week. They can be equipped with a KC-135 air tanker to refuel mid-flight. They can be used alone or in combination with other intelligence. They can also be used to detect maritime traffic, emitters, and threats. They can also provide a variety of electronic equipment such as a space-based position system, a Mark XV identification Friend or Foe radar and a Have Quick secure vocal communications system. The system can be also deployed to a C2C located on the ground. This allows it to provide vital information to enemy fighter pilots.

AWACS was used in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, UN implementation of a no fly zone over Bosnia, Kosovo crisis and the U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan. They were the first aircraft to detect threats from Iraqi during the Gulf War. They were equipped with an Indian AESA radar system. They flew over 3,000 sorties per day in coalition aircraft.

AWACS airframes remain active in operations Noble Eagle & Enduring Freedom. They are also part of counter ISIL rotations. For a month, they will be deployed to Turkey. They can provide air surveillance support at important international events like NATO Summit in Warsaw 2005, the Olympics Beijing 2008, and NATO Summit Istanbul 2014. They can also provide airborne surveillance during operations Northern and Southern Watch.

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AWACS is used to provide command and controls to Air Force units. They can be used by the Tactical Air Command (AFSC), the Air Force Strategic Command (AFSC), and the Tactical Air Command. NATO also uses them. They are data-linked from other aircraft, ground stations, or other allied air forces.

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AWACS is the Airborne Warning and Control System