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Types of Chemical Weapons & Biological Weapons

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The Marine Chemical and Biological Response Force (MCBRF) responds to chemical and biological incidents worldwide. They are available to assist civilian agencies with service support, consequence management, expert medical advice, and emergency response. MCBRF has the ability to combat the increasing threat of chemical/biological terrorists.

The NBC Warning and Reporting System is a type of communication message. This communication system uses a series communications links to relay information about chemical agents.

The Material Safety Data Sheet or MSDS is a legal document which lists the hazards and flammability of chemical. The MSDS typically lists the substance's reactivity. It also lists the substance's zoning restrictions. This document is also a guideline to emergency responders.

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A quantitative dose-response relation is a way to determine the relationship between the dose of a substance and any adverse effects. This is important to public safety since it allows for the estimation of the likelihood that a particular effect will occur.

The National Contingency Plan a federal law that outlines three levels of response to incidents involving dangerous substances. Each level has its specific set of responsibilities. The following responsibilities fall under the purview of each level: an inventory is created to identify potentially hazardous substances and hazard identifications are performed, as well as developing an emergency plan. These functions are performed in the Area Emergency Management Coordinator as well as the Branch Office serving the region.

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 is the reauthorization of Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act. SARA is designed to lower the risk of being exposed to hazardous substances. Title III of the act gives new authority to toxic chemical release reporting. These new authorities include Community Right-to-Know reporting.

The CDC is a federal health agency that offers health education, investigates and monitors diseases trends. It is the national agency responsible for protecting Americans' health. It also funds over 35,000 research projects throughout the country.

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Any responder must obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). This document consists of a description of the substance, its reactivity and flammability, its zoning regulations, and its safe use directions. Once completed, the MSDS must then be submitted the SERC.

Although there are many federal agencies and regulations governing hazardous chemical handling, there are also other regulatory and legal authorities. The Geneva Protocol, signed by the United States of America in 1925 and ratified the same year by Congress, is one example. This treaty prohibits the use of poisonous or bacteriological methods of warfare in conflict. Although the protocol has reduced the use of these agents on the battlefield, it does nothing to prevent other countries from creating chemical weapons.

Another important entity is the National Institutes of Health. The National Institutes for Health provides funding for research and development of innovative technologies and helps to protect American citizens' health. It also runs the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC implements illnesses control measures, including surveillance, prevention, as well as treatment.

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Types of Chemical Weapons & Biological Weapons