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A Submarine from the USA: How to Live It

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Submarines are a vital part of the United States' national defense arsenal, but they're also some of the least visible members of the military. Submarines are designed to remain hidden from view and can often be seen operating below the surface. However, they are always patrolling and performing classified operations.

The US has a long tradition of using submarines for undersea warfare. They can be used for spying, delivering explosives and carrying ordnance.

There are a number of different types of subs, including ballistic missile and nuclear-powered ones. The US is currently building 12 Columbia class, nuclear-powered submarines. They will replace the Ohio's-class ballistic missile subs. The new submarines will be the largest and most powerful that America has ever built.

They will also play a crucial role in the US's nuclear deterrent strategy for the 21st Century. The Columbia class 12-ship ships will carry 70 per cent of US deployed nuclear weapons. This will make them complement intercontinental bombistic missiles and other air-launched weapons within the nation's nuclear trio.

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According to Congressional Budget Office, Columbia's inaugural ship is now a quarter of complete and could launch as soon as 2022. It will cost US $15Billion, in 2022, making it one of most expensive weapons systems. This is a major step in the US’s efforts to prevent North Korea and China developing nuclear weapons.

Aside from their critical role in the nuclear deterrent, US ballistic-missile submarines are also the most powerful and stealthy. They can operate in remote areas, making them ideal for protecting American interests overseas and responding to attacks on US bases.

Because they don't have any combustible surfaces, they are extremely difficult to attack. Submarines must also dive to depths of at least 1,300 feet (396 meters). This makes them very difficult to destroy. That is why submarines are usually deployed in strategic areas.

There's a lot that goes into being a submariner, so we asked some of our team to share their stories about life aboard a submarine and how it feels to be in the water.

The crew of USS Pennsylvania, a nuclear-powered submarine, has established several records for long submarine patrols. Learn how the crew prepares themselves for their missions in this video.

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The US Navy is always upgrading and maintaining its submarine readiness to ensure that they are able to perform their tasks effectively. These upgrades include new radars, replacement of aging batteries, and improved performance with more advanced equipment.

What's more, the US Navy is also retraining submariners to improve their abilities. This involves taking them out their regular jobs and giving them new challenges to help them improve their leadership skills.

Submariners will be taught everything, from boat control and maneuvering to navigational skills and firefighting. They will also learn how survival can be achieved in difficult conditions like being at sea for long periods. They will also undergo rigorous training to prepare them for the high-risk, dangerous missions they will be undertaking as a member of a submarine crew.

An Article from the Archive - Hard to believe

A Submarine from the USA: How to Live It