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The Navy is working on several options for a laser weapon

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The Navy has several options for a new laser weapon. A high-energy laser system that includes an integrated optical-dazzler, high repeatition range-finders, as well as a laser weapon that is safe for the eyes, are some of these options. These systems can also be used to disable specific targets, including surface threats. The Navy will ultimately make the final decision.

High-energy laser with integrated optical-dazzler

The United States Navy is close to fielding a high energy laser weapon on a warship. The HELIOS defensive laser system, also known as the HELIOS, is capable of shooting down unmanned drones and burning boats. It is expected to be in service with a guided missile destroyer in the Pacific Fleet by 2021.

The high-power laser weapon, which will be deployed later in the year, will be followed by a non-lethal low-end laser dazzler. The Navy will benefit from both systems' operational experience with directed-energy weapons. The Navy Laser Family of Systems will be developed by engineers.

HELIOS system

HELIOS, a high energy laser weapon that can target aerial targets, is available. It can be used to disable enemy drones and for long-range intelligence gathering. HELIOS is being considered by the Navy for future fleet ships.

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HELIOS is one of the Navy's many laser weapon systems. The family is an effort to provide lasers that are highly effective in combat. In 2023, the deployment of the first HELIOS is planned. The laser weapon is expected to be installed on ships and can be integrated into the Aegis combat system. Laser weapons can be used to stun UASs, and have other game-changing capabilities.

Eye-safe high repetition range-finders

The eye-safe, high repetition range-finder ELRF is a laser rangefinder that uses high-intensity sunlight radiation. It can temporarily blind enemies, and it works in a range of 500-700 m. It uses a wavelength shifter that changes the wavelength of light to one micron. It is small and lightweight at 1.65kg. The device also comes with an RS-232 interface that can supply range information to other systems. In the UK, the laser is linked to a GPS receiver.

One example is the Vidar laser rangefinder. It is designed for naval and ground applications, and features a high-repetition rate and low SWaP. It is a true class-one eye-safe laser that is easy to use during training. It comes with an integrated boresight system and is small enough to be carried around.

Long-range capabilities

The Navy is in the early stages of developing a laser weapon with long-range capability. The weapon is expected five times more powerful that its predecessor, which has existed for fifty years. It is capable to track 60 millimeter mortar rounds. It can also target drones three sizes.

Multi-mission design allows the laser weapon to target targets at extremely long ranges. It is expected to be operational in maritime environments by 2023. During testing, lessons learned will guide future development efforts.

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Cost per shot

The Navy is testing a laser weapon. Its high precision makes it possible to destroy engines of manned watercraft and take out flying unmanned vessels. It's also more affordable to make and operate than other weapons. It costs less than $1 per shot. It has been successfully tested against Iranian-style attack vessels. The laser didn't blow up the boats, but it did cause some collateral damage.

The Navy Laser Weapon System offers a lower cost per shot than comparable, kinetic systems. The cost of a shot depends on the power of a laser weapon. It can be as low as $1.15 for a 60-kW system or as high at $9.20 for an 480-kW laser. The Navy estimates that 60-kW class lasers will cost $100 million each. A 250-kW laser will cost approximately $200 million.

The Navy is working on several options for a laser weapon