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Smart Transportation Examples

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Smart transportation uses modern technologies that are applied to transportation infrastructures. These systems increase the safety, efficiency, durability, and sustainability for transport systems. These systems are critical components of intelligent technology. They facilitate traffic management and control, speed cameras, as well other useful functions. You will enjoy time savings, convenience, safety, and security.

The Smart Transportation Market is a global industry that addresses the needs of travelers and residents. Its main segments include Transportation, Service, and Region. Increasing consumer demand for new and improved transportation services will drive the market's growth. Many countries have already implemented smart transportation systems. Cisco Systems, together with IBM, SAP and Thales, is a key player in this market.

For many years, congestion in traffic has been a concern. This is because of the growing number of vehicles on the road. Smart transportation systems were developed to manage this increased traffic. These systems will reduce congestion and help to prevent accidents. The intelligent systems will allow the travelling population to better understand the traffic situation, and to take advantage of all available transport options.

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Smart Transportation Market is a new sector that is attracting attention from the insurance, telecom and automotive industries. The system can reduce oil consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, in addition to its efficiency.

Smart Growth is based on increasing transportation options. There are many avenues for optimizing transportation, including automated private and government vehicles and real time data. Automated private and public vehicles, for example, can help reduce accidents and fuel consumption and improve traffic flow. There are many obstacles to overcome with innovation. Some of these hurdles are organizational, cultural, and legal.

An autonomous freight transit system can lower the demand for long-haul truck drivers and improve efficiency in the supply chain. Another important benefit of autonomous systems is their ability to provide quality service and maintain or decrease emissions.

Smart parking management systems also offer great convenience. They can book parking spots in advance, make cashless payments and even provide secure vehicles. Intelligent systems may also provide data that parking companies can use.

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Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission's advanced fiber optic network project is an important step in the direction of a more intelligent transportation system. It will allow for All-Electronic Tolling. This project will also permit the implementation and maintenance of traveler information system.

Smart devices and sensors can provide a wealth data. These systems can collect information about the weather, traffic conditions, as well as pedestrian locations. These data can then be processed and used for updating maps and other transportation data. These systems also provide information to the DOT about roadway conditions.

Other developments in smart transport have been focused on the individual vehicle capabilities. A hybrid or electric-powered car, for example, integrates small batteries with electric motors. The use of solar photovoltaic panels makes the car more energy efficient and stronger. Smart roads are also equipped with embedded sensors and microprocessors.

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Smart Transportation Examples