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The PL-01 Tracked Vehicle

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The PL-01 is a tracked vehicle with a 105mm or 120mm cannon, and can pass through trenches as wide as 2.6 meters. It can be equipped to carry extra armor. It was designed to be a domestic and export vehicle. It was originally intended to serve the United States Army's interests, but was later modified to meet the international needs of customers.

PL-01 is a tracked car

The PL-01 can carry a 105mm and 120mm cannons, as well as a 40mm grenade gun. It also has an active protection system that can neutralize incoming anti tank guided missiles. It features a 940 horsepower diesel engine, an automated gearbox, seven wheels, and seven tires.

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It comes with a 105mm and 120mm cannon.

The stealth tank PL-01 can fire either a 105mm (or 120mm) cannon depending on its variant. The main gun can fire six rounds per second, while the gun's turret may fire a 7.62mm machine gun. A 40mm grenade launcher is also included in the vehicle. It is 21 feet in length, 10 feet wide, can travel 310 mi on a single tank and has a maximum width of 10 feet.

It can be equipped with additional armor

You can add armor to the PL-01. This increases protection against HEAT as well as armor-piercing rounds. The PL-01 includes a level 4 composite ceramic armor. A plug in armor system can be added to give it even greater protection. With all its armor in place, the PL-01 is estimated to weigh around 39 tons. This makes it a light tank. It weighs approximately three-fifths more than an Abrams main battlefield tank and is about ten tonnes lighter than the fully-loaded Russian T-90 major battle tank.

It can traverse trenches upto 2.6 m in width

The PL-01 has a powerful 940 horsepower diesel engine with a torque converter and automatic gearbox. The vehicle can climb steep hills and negotiate natural and engineered trenches of up to 2.6 meters in width. It has an automatic gearbox that allows it to keep a high rate fire. The main gun can fire up six rounds per second. It is also capable of fording waters up to five meters (16 ft). Depending on the configuration of the PL-01, the machine can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h on rough terrain, and 70 km/h (43 mph) on paved roads. The machine's range can extend up to 500 km.

It will be manufactured in Poland

The PL-01 new battle tank was created for Poland's armed services. It comes with a fully automatable turret as well as a 120mm fully automatic gun, active countermeasures, and an anti-aircraft MG. Camo paint will be used to disguise the vehicle's special materials. The vehicle will be manned by three crew members. Its modular hull allows it to be transformed into an IFV as needed.

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It will be exportable

The PL-01 is based upon the Swedish CV90 IFV-chassis, which has been around for some time. It is expected that it will produce approximately 1000 horsepower. It will likely also feature an automatic transmission. It can travel cross-country at 50 km/h. To aid in navigation on waterways, it can be fitted with a deep-wading kit.

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The PL-01 Tracked Vehicle