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Space Surveillance Radar

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Space Surveillance includes the important task of tracking and detecting space debris. These objects can pose a threat for US military and commercial satellites. Space Fence is designed in order to detect and track these objects. It also helps to prevent collisions within near-Earth orbit. Space Fence uses Sband ground radar to track objects in space. The radar detects objects in space up to 10 centimeters in size. It can also detect breakups or maneuvers. Space Fence has the ability to quickly provide orbital information about possible threats and to help prevent future collisions.

The Space Surveillance Radar is currently in the process of being replaced with a new S-band radar system. The new system will increase object tracking and accuracy. In addition, the new system will provide more accurate predictions of space-based collisions. It will also provide early warning of potential threats for commercial and military space systems. It provides accurate orbital information about potential threats such as launches and breakups, maneuvers, and so on. It will also aid the Air Force in keeping track of hundreds and thousands of objects orbiting, helping to prevent collisions between key space-based infrastructure.

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The Space Surveillance Network was originally developed in 1961. It was developed to assist the Defense Department with tracking and analyzing thousands of objects from space. The Space Fence system was used by the Air Force to track over 20,000 objects in space before it was created. The new system will track over one million objects daily and will allow for more precise surveillance. It will also allow the Air Force to quickly respond to any potential threats to their military and commercial orbit systems. The Air Force will now be able track space junk and depleted rocket boosters.

Space Fence is located on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. It is located in the vicinity of the Ballistic Missile Defense test site. It is operated by Air Force's 20th Space Control Squadron. The Air Force shares responsibility for space situational awareness with NASA. The Space Operations Command also manages it. This is the unit that operates sensors and the Space Surveillance Network.

Space Fence is made up of two ground radars, which can track more than 100,000 objects per day. It will travel at speeds exceeding 17,500 miles per hour and is intended to provide uncued surveillance of low Earth orbit. Space Fence will be used by the Air Force to track and monitor space objects in low, medium and geosynchronous orbits. Space Fence also provides communications services for military operations.

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Space Fence will enable the Air Force track commercial and military space systems. It will also give an early warning of potential dangers. It will also help to prevent collisions within near-Earthspace. Space Fence will also allow the Air Force information on objects orbiting, allowing them to determine which objects are present and what events are occurring.

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Space Surveillance Radar