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Where Are B-2 Bombers Based?

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There are several places where b-2 Bombers can be found. Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri is one of the locations where they operate. Another is the military base at Diego Garcia, a militarised island in the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) that is part of Australia.

The US has used the B-2 stealth bomber since 1999 to attack targets around the world, including Afghanistan, Kosovo and Iraq. It can fly at altitudes up to 10,400ft which allows it to evade radars, and thus remain undetected.

These planes can travel long distances, and they carry a lot fuel. This is why they are able to be flown from any base around the world. One example is the recent use of these planes to bomb Islamic State training camp in Libya. The two b-2s that flew the mission were refueled in the air several times, and they travelled about 12,000 miles while they were out there.

Tank bases

The USAF can refuel these aircraft in the air very well. Air Force has a network KC-135- and KC-10 tankers available to assist the B-2 in getting fuel onboard.

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B2 Stealth Bomber

The B-2 is the most costly aircraft in the Air Force's inventory. Only 20 B-2s are currently in service. Its price tag is approximately $1 billion per plane, and only one B-2 was ever lost. The Air Force has worked to reduce the operating costs of these bombers.

We recently asked hundreds who work with these bombers about their future plans in a New York Times piece. Some of the answers include:

They could be sent to North Korea, Iran or other countries if there is a potential nuclear conflict. They would be able to fly to those nations, drop their nuclear payloads and then come back home for a change of crews.

Alternatively, the B-2 could be used to destroy missile factories in Russia or other rogue states that are trying to develop nuclear weapons. The bombers are equipped with GPS-guided munitions that can disable the enemy's air defenses, which will help to reduce their ability to shoot down American jets.

Russian Bomber

The B-2 can fly at very high speeds and is capable of evading radars. This makes it impossible for any other aircraft to spot its movements or locate the target. It can also carry large weapons such as ballistic missiles.

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Some of the B-2's missions have been quite successful, and have led to a number of interesting stories from the air. These missions can be seen as a way to demonstrate the USAF's latest weapons capabilities and show its readiness.

These aircraft are a key tool in the arsenal. These aircraft can hit targets that would otherwise be difficult to reach with traditional warplanes.

Where Are B-2 Bombers Based?