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Counter Battery Radar Systems

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Combating the counter-battery force is critical to the success and viability of military forces during wars. As important as the ability to move quickly and accurately is the ability of the counter-battery force to position itself before they are attacked. This may seem like an easy task but it isn't. It is crucial to be able to identify enemy artillery. Counter-battery firing is a reactive process that requires a variety of information sources.

Counter-battery firing is typically directed at enemy guns or mortars. It also can target any part of the field artillery system. It is possible to assess the effectiveness of counter-battery firing by using a variety of information sources. It also depends on the policy of the military force. Some armies may have the power to direct their counter-battery units firing, while others don't. This could reduce the effectiveness of counter-battery fire.

"Cobra", one of the most sophisticated counter-battery radars in the world, is the system. It is used to detect mortar batteries and enemy artillery as well as calculate the point of impact for artillery shells. It is used worldwide by seven NATO members. It can detect batteries up to 20-25 kilometers away. It can also detect anti-missile systems.

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The Cobra can be deployed within 5 to 15 minutes. The Cobra is capable of detecting up to 40 enemy battery. It can also determine the number of barrels and width of found batteries. The radar can also measure friendly artillery's impact. The performance of radar's signal processor will improve.

The Ukroboronprom counter-battery radar is also effective in detecting enemy artillery and missile systems. It can detect weapons that have a range up to 40 kilometers. It can also locate hostile artillery systems using sound ranging techniques. It can locate mortars within a 180-degree sector and detect enemy MLRS launchers.

NVK Iskra produces the 1L220UK counter battery radar. It is also known by Zoopark 3. This system can be used to detect mortars and artillery. It can also reconstruct the flight path of artillery bullets.

It is used by the Ukrainian Army. Its main purpose is to detect and locate enemy artillery and mortars as well as missiles. The system is capable of operating in all weather conditions. The system is extremely useful for peace support operations. It can locate many weapon positions, even those scattered throughout the battlefield. It can also be used in all timezones.

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Another system, called the "Polozhennya-2", can detect and pinpoint hostile mortars and artillery. It uses acousticpressure waves to locate the point of origin. It can also work in friendly fire mode. It can also calculate the area of the target and its position.

The ARTHUR counter-battery radar is also used by several NATO forces. It can locate enemy Howitzers at distances of between 20 and 25 km. It can locate enemy howitzers at a distance of 20 to 25 kilometers.

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Counter Battery Radar Systems