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Submarines for ballistic missiles

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The ballistic missile submarine is capable of launching submarine-launched nuclear warheads. These submarines, which have been in existence for over 60 years can be used for many different military missions. They are an integral part any nation's navy as nuclear warheads can be crucial in defending against an attack from an adversary.

SSBN-726 class

The USS Ohio is a guided missile submarine commanded by Cmdr. Michael Cockey. The submarine returned to Pugetsound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, and Naval Base KitsapBangor in February 2006 to conduct sea trials. It is equipped with dual dry deck shelters.

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Le Triomphant class

The French Navy has recently begun building new ballistic missile submarines and has named them Le Triomphant class. The new submarines have a similar size to the existing ones, but are much faster and more durable. These submarines can dive up to 300m, and can be submerged for more 60 days.

Delta III class

Russian Navy operates the Delta III class ballistic ballistic submarine. The Soviet Union built the submarine, which is named after Project 667BDR Kamar.

Borei class

Russia's second strike nuclear deterrent program has the Borei-class ballistic missile submarine. Major modifications have been made to the submarine's capabilities and design. The submarine is designed to slither into the ocean and remain undetectable. The submarine incorporates features such vertical rudders, towed sonar arrays, and other features to make it invisible in the ocean. Thrusters are also a valuable addition to this design.

Ohio class

The Ohio Class of nuclear-powered submarines includes 14 ballistic and four cruise missile missile submarines. Each submarine is submerged at 18,750 tons and is one of the largest submarines built for the U.S. Navy.

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China's ballistic Missile Submarine Program

China's ballistic-missile submarine program is still in its infancy. Its current fleet of six missile submarines is more than the US Navy's. However, while China's ballistic submarines lack the sophistication of the US boomers, the program is growing.

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Submarines for ballistic missiles