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AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System).

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AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System), a surveillance aircraft equipped with an aerial radar, can detect aircraft at low altitudes and on any terrain. It can be used to perform reconnaissance, command and controlling, and communications. It features a rotating radar dome above the fuselage. The antenna is 9m (30feet) in diameter and can cover up to 400km of airspace. It can detect low-flying aircraft from a distance of 200 nautical mile. Its primary task is to monitor and detect airborne threats. It also has the ability to direct own air defence systems. It is used worldwide by the US Air Force as well as France, Great Britain, Saudi Air Force, and Great Britain.

AWACS planes were used during the 1991 Persian Gulf War and UN implementation of a no fly zone over Bosnia. They provided vital information about enemy actions. They also assisted in the pairing of targets and strike aircraft. These aircraft also assisted in preventing "blue_on_blue" attacks. They can also be used to multiply force. NATO has also used AWACS previously. The aircraft provided situational awareness for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. AWACS has also supported major sporting events.

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AWACS aircraft can easily be deployed in any part of the world. They can fly both daytime or night. They are often assigned to two operational flying teams. They could fly up to 3 times per week. They can be equipped with a KC-135 air tanker to refuel mid-flight. They may be operated alone, or in conjunction with other intelligence. They can detect threats, emitters, or maritime traffic. They can also provide a range if electronic equipment including a space based place system, a Mark XV Identification Friend or Foe, radar and a Have Quick secure VoIP communications system. The system can also be deployed to a C2C on the ground, which can provide critical information to enemy pilots.

AWACS were used during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. They were among the first airborne radars capable of detecting threats from Iraq during the Gulf War. They were equipped with an Indian AESA radar system. They managed over 3,000 coalition aircraft sorties a day.

AWACS planes are still involved with operations Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom. They are also involved in counter ISIL rotations, where they deploy to Turkey for a month. They can provide air surveillance support during important international events, such as the NATO Summit in Warsaw in 2005, the Olympics in Beijing in 2008, and the NATO Summit in Istanbul in 2014. They can also provide airborne surveillance during operations Northern and Southern Watch.

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AWACS planes are used for command and control as well as reconnaissance to Air Force units. They are available for use by the Tactical Air Command and the Air Force Strategic Command. They can be linked to other aircraft and ground stations as well as other allied airforces.

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AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System).