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Army Medical Regulations -- AGR

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AGR personnel can receive a variety od military decorations. These could include the AGR award or the AGR certificate. AGR personnel can also earn the AGR emblem or the AGR pin. However, AGR personnel will not likely be eligible for some awards that are reserved only for traditional guardsmen.

The AGR award is generally considered the most prestigious award. This award is awarded to AGR members who have provided the highest level of meritorious service. A AGR officer who has served 20 years is eligible for retention. Following on tours can be made by AGR personnel for as little as one to six months. Average AGR members will receive an AGR medal once every four years.

The Active Guard/Reserve program (AGR) is a bit more complex than most service members are used too. The program is complex and requires coordination between the PCM (Private Care Manager) and the TRICARE network provider. A passing score on APFT is required for AGR members to be eligible to receive the AGR award. AGR members must also be able to afford sufficient clothing allowances for their AGR service. However, it is dependent on the mission performed by the unit that the AGR member will be required to have a certain amount of clothing.

Army Medical Regulations -- AGR