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Submarine French Barracuda

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Currently, the French Navy possesses six Barracuda class submarines. The submarines come in two styles. These submarines are conventionally powered and nuclear powered. Nuclear submarines can stay in the water for many months without needing to return to the surface. The submarines can also be refueled so they can remain at sea many years.

Barracuda submarines were the first nuclear submarines made in France. They are designed for the primary missions of intelligence, antisubmarine warfare and antisurface warfare. The submarines are armed with four 533-meter lanzatorpedos. They can also have Exocet SM39 missiles. They can also carry 20 weapons that aren't tethered nor tubbed. They can also patrol in high seas.

The steel used in submarine construction can withstand pressures to 200 m. They can be refueled with diesel in place of etanol. They can also be kept at sea for longer than 220 days per year. You can outfit the submarines with a dry dock shelter, torpedolaunchers and a platform that allows for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles.

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The submarines come with a TechnicAtome K15150 MW reactor. This reactor allows the submarine to run at low power for several days in a row in near perfect quiet. The reactor can also have its own modifications to be more durable than the reactors that were used in the Rubis Class submarines. The submarines can also be outfitted as Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (PSM3G). The 26-meter-long electric vehicle, the PSM3G, can be used by SEALs.

Special operations shelters (DDS), are also available on submarines. The DDS serves basic command purposes. The DDS can weigh approximately 40 tons.

The S620 Suffren, the first of six Barracuda Class submarines, has been commissioned by the French Navy. This submarine is being built at Cherburgo’s Naval Group plant. The French Navy will commission a new submarine, the SNAPerle, in 2022. The submarine will replace the Rubis-class submarines. The delivery of the first SNA Perle submarine is expected to take place in March 2022.

The French Navy will continue to have five Rubis submarines operating from the Tolon submarine base. These submarines will operate in the south asiatic. The base will also be able to cover the whole of the Mediterranean. A new nuclear attack submarine will also be built in France. This will increase the fleet's ability to work under ice.

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The Barracuda submarine class is the strongest submarine in the world. It is also the most costly. The submarine is capable of carrying MdCN missiles, which can bloqueate time. They can also give golpes to the terra. They can also carry 20 armaments. A secondary water circuit is installed to raise the water temperature. They can also carry antibuque rockets. The submarines have a 99.5-meter eslora that can be used for balistic submarinos.

French Navy will build a second nuclear submarine called the Duguay-Trouin. The Duguay-Trouin is expected to be added to the Cherburgo submarine base in 2022.

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Submarine French Barracuda