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The Littoral Combat Ship


A littoral combat vessel (LCS), is a stealthy, fast and agile naval platform that can be used in close-shore environments. Its purpose is to defeat asymmetric threats, such as submarines and mines.

The LCS was built to replace the Oliver Hazard Perry-class guided ballistic missile frigates that were retired by the US Navy in 2008. The LCS is primarily focused on Anti-Surface Warfare but can be outfitted with modular Mission Packages in order to fulfill other missions, such as Sea Control and Power Projection.

Two variants of LCS are available at present: Independence and Freedom. The Freedom class is based on a steel monohull and the Independence class is a trimaran hull.

Despite being a relatively recent platform, the LCS has been plagued by serious reliability and cost issues ever since its inception. These problems have been widely reported in the media.

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GAO released a report recently stating that LCS has experienced poor workmanship, cost overruns and structural problems which have led to many ships being prematurely retired.

As a result, the LCS has been at risk of becoming an unsustainable weapon system. The program is estimated to cost over $60bn to operate and maintain for the lifetime of the ships.

The Navy tried to address some issues with the vessels but they were unable to do it all at once. And the costs keep rising. This is a major issue for the Navy, as it will not be able to afford to maintain and upgrade the ships without a corresponding increase in funding.

GAO has stated that the USN must spend more money on repairs and maintenance of the ships to keep them operational. This would be necessary to allow them to continue performing their missions as they are currently designed.

But, these costs are likely to be a major burden on the taxpayer. This is due in part to the fact the Navy must pay the contractors for the services that they provide.

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There are also concerns regarding the Navy's ability manage the vessels and keep them in good condition for long periods of time. This is due to a lack in maintenance experience and the complexity and difficulty of managing electronic systems.

The LCS is also susceptible to corrosion and sacrificial odes. The LCS has been affected by many cracking and breaking of their hulls, which has reduced their ability to operate in harsh water and higher speeds.

The Navy has had to make major changes to the LCS after it was a huge failure. These include updating the ship's design, and addressing the cost overruns and other problems with the LCS program. In an effort to improve the ship's performance, the Navy has also pledged to continue developing it.

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The Littoral Combat Ship