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Emerging Technologies in Biotechnology

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The term "biotechnology" refers to a wide variety of techniques that make use of living organisms (e.g. yeast and bacteria) to create a variety. These products can be used in many ways. Some products can be used as food supplements, while others can be used for medical, cosmetic and research purposes.

Research by academic institutions is often the source of biotech innovation. In many cases, the products are designed to improve health and the environment. These products often contain new enzymes, metabolic engineering, or other innovative tools. They could also involve genetic modifications that modify the genetic makeup. These changes can be used to improve the effectiveness of a drug, or for treatment of a disease.

Technology is often introduced to industry by academic groups. One example of this is the discovery of an enzyme that can break down artificial surfactants. Another example is tissue engineering, where cells are grown to make tissue for implantation, or gene therapy, in which a diseased gene is replaced with a healthy.

Biotech innovation can also be used for the creation of potent vaccines, as well to make tolerant plants and new pharmaceuticals. These products are often targeted at antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and they are leveraged across other emerging applications.

Over the past few years, new products were created by mapping out the genetic blueprints from plants, animals, as well as humans. This includes the creation of genetically engineered food products such as seedless watermelon. Some of these products include new technologies like Marker Assisted selection.

Biotech innovations also involve the production of biofuels from algae. Algae, which are versatile plants that can be grown almost anywhere, are very adaptable. The biomass can be used for oil production, biodiesel or food supplements. The research into pharmaceuticals is also using algae. These studies have resulted in the development of drugs that combat AIDS, and other cancers.

Biotech innovation is also used in the manufacture of personal monitoring devices, which are intended to assist patients with better managing their diseases. These include products that measure the levels of different elements in the body. Some products also have the ability to monitor the environment. These products can be used in order to make foods more suitable to local conditions.

Another example of biotech innovations is the development of biodegradable products. People are searching for alternatives because of growing oil dependence. This is especially true of China, which is suffering severe air pollution. It is urgent that we make changes in the energy supply. Although there is a need for new sources of power, it must be done in an environmentally friendly manner.

China has many biotech innovations. Examples include the development mRNA vaccines which target antibiotic resistant bacteria. Others are in preclinical development. They may be used in the fight against leukaemia and Parkinson's disease.

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Emerging Technologies in Biotechnology