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Lists of Technical Words in the English Language

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Technical words can be used to describe words that are applicable in many fields. These words are often used in business communications and are very useful for explaining a concept. This page provides a list with technical words in english. Here are some ways to use technical terminology in your writing.

Listen to a list of technical English words

There are many lists that contain technical terms in English. If you work in an area that uses technical terms often, these lists may be helpful. You might also want to be familiar with acid rain if you work in an environment-related field. Acid rain can be considered a subject but it can also be used as a verb. You can convert acid rain into a noun phrase by adding the word erode. This is known as nominalization and is used in academic writing.

Academic word lists are created for students from different disciplines. But, some researchers are also creating lists that target particular disciplines like economics. These lists can include technical words as well as non-technical vocabulary that is not applicable to the students' area of study. These lists should be used in contexts of written academic texts and should not be used as a comprehensive list of technical words.

Possibilities to use technical words in writing

English is used a lot in writing. This term is often used in a variety of fields. The term "computer" can also be used to refer to a technical term. "Hard drive" however, is an acronym for "hard disk drive". These words may not be easy to spell or understand but are essential for the writing process.

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Lists of Technical Words in the English Language