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The J-31 Mid-Size Twinjet Fighter

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Shenyang Aircraft Corporation's fifth generation, mid-sized twinjet fighter jet aircraft is the J-31. It is currently being ramped up for test flights. We'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this aircraft. We will also talk about the AVIC classification, weight disadvantages, Land-based variant, and other aspects.

AVIC designation

The unveiling of a new Chinese fighter plane has taken place. It is called the Shenyang J-31. The event was open to all and it was a huge success. While the plane is still in development, Chinese authorities allow it to be displayed publicly. It will be on display at Dubai Airshow this week.

The J-31 is expected to join J-20. Both aircraft operate in high- and lower-altitude flight mode. This is similar to the mix used by the US Air Force. It will also be used on future Chinese navy aircraft carriers. It will likely be exported to Pakistan to counter India's purchase of Russian stealth fighters.

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Weight disadvantages

The J-31, a Chinese-designed aircraft that can combine both land-based and carrier missions, is new. The J-31 is similar to F-35 in its design, but it is lighter and easier to maneuver. The F-35 has the same stealth and sensor suite, but it is lighter and more maneuverable. This makes it a niche-type aircraft.

The J-31 is very restricted in its internal weapons bays. This makes it difficult to carry useful weapons. It appears to be designed to carry antiship missiles and A2A. However, the J-31 could be combined with early-service J-15s to meet carrier-borne landing requirements. It is worth noting, however, that the J-31 doesn’t have to face the same design issues as the F-35. This aircraft must develop both a VTOL- and conventional flight variant.

Variant that is land-based

It is important to remember a few points when designing a J-31-based version. The aircraft's range is very limited. The Russian RD93 engine is used for landing flights but is not sufficient for carrier operations.

PLA Air Force may be interested in developing a land-based J-31 fighter as a medium-weight fighter. It could be used to complement the J-20 and J-10 fighter aircraft fleets, or replace the fourth-generation J-10/J-11 fighters. This type of aircraft is unlikely to be produced in the near future.

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Future production plans

The J-31 stealth fighter prototype has made its first flight on December 26, 2016, and it will soon begin testing for production. It will likely enter service with People's Liberation Army within the next year. The potential for it to serve in the PLA is unknown.

The J-31 fighter is fifth-generation. It can fly at twice the speed of an F-16 while maintaining a maximum service ceiling of 20,000 metres. It was developed initially as a demonstration model and is currently being designed to replace the Shenyang J-15 carriers fighters, which were considered white elephants by the Chinese military. China's Aircraft Corporation is developing it and expects to have it in service by 2024.

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The J-31 Mid-Size Twinjet Fighter