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Type 212cd Submarine

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German Navy (Deutsche Marine) Type 212cd

The German type 212cd submarine is the latest in a fleet of advanced diesel-electric or hydrogen fuel cell "air independent propelling" submarines. It can operate on either diesel or AIP power and is said to be extremely quiet, vibration-free and virtually undetectable.

First built by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft for the German Navy, these boats are characterized by a high degree of stealthiness. They are also regarded as being among the most modern non-nuclear submarines in the world. They can run on either diesel or hydrogen fuel cell AIP, enabling them to cruise for up to three weeks without surfacing and without exhaust heat.

These submarines were designed to be versatile and can carry six 533 mm torpedo tube. They also have the ability to fire a variety heavy-weight 21-inch torpedos as well as missiles and naval mines. They also have a unique "X" configuration to the after-planes, which allows them to manoeuvre in shallow water while retaining their ability to attack surface ships and submarines.

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The Type-039 was the inspiration for the German Navy's original design for the Type 212. It features a stepped conning tower that rises aft and was designed to reduce its acoustic signature. The double-deck manning arrangement was also included. It was redesigned to provide more living space and better weapon loading areas.

However, these improvements were not enough to keep the Type-212A competitive with other modern diesel-electric submarines. The German Navy opted to develop a new version of the type, the Type 212A "G," which was designed to further reduce its acoustic signature. The design includes a more spacious outer hull which reduces the boat’s sonar signature.

Since its introduction into service in 2006, the Type 212A has evolved to become a more advanced and versatile submarine than its predecessors. The Type 212A features more powerful weapons and advanced communications, as well as a command and control system that is more sophisticated, advanced communications, and improved reconnaissance capabilities.

Currently, six Type 212A boats are operated by the German Bundesmarine. These submarines are the most modern in the world, offering a higher level of stealth and a longer operating life.

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These submarines can carry 6 forward torpedo tubes. The unique "X" configuration allows them to be repositioned so that they can fire from either side. It also provides unparalleled shallow-water maneuverability. They can also be equipped with heavy-weight 21" torpedos as well as various anti-ship weapons, such as naval mines or other types.

Although it is unclear how many Type 212s will be used by the German Navy in the future, plans are being made to replace some older boats with more modern versions. Thyssenkrupp's Type 212CD submarine, which will be built for the Norwegian, German, and Norwegian Navys, is identical to the 212A. It is larger and comes with more powerful weaponry.

The 212CD submarines will be delivered to the German and Norwegian navies in 2023 and 2029, respectively. After both countries have received parliamentary approval, the Norwegian and German governments will sign the contract to construct these submarines.

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Type 212cd Submarine