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2 Trillion Dollars Spent on Military Investment

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Despite being one of the world's leading economies, the United States spends more on military than many of our key allies. The Pentagon's overall military budget was $664billion in 2010. This included both the costs of operations in Iraq or Afghanistan and other national security cost. The budget must only be one portion of the total military spend. It also includes the non-military spending of the Departments of State, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs and other national security agencies.

The United States spent more in defense over key allies such as Russia and Saudi Arabia historically. However, the Global War on Terror led to drastic increases in defense budgets. This has been due to an increase in demand for new combat capabilities as well as new technologies.

Since the war began, the United States spent $6.4 trillion total on the war. This includes money for operations, both in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as other areas. All of this money is included in 2018's Department of Defense budget of $777 billion. This budget includes money for other departments.

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The United States spends $179 billion on its nuclear arsenal over the next three years. This money is used for research, development, and maintenance of weapons. These nuclear weapons increase the likelihood of nuclear war and add to the current arms race. The Pentagon is working on a plan that will modernize the arsenal. This will include $1 trillion in spending over the next 30 years.

The United States must spend less money on civilian workers than it does on weapons. This means that less soldiers can afford not to be stationed on military bases. It will also force the Pentagon to reduce its overall army. This could lead to a loss or billions in purchasing power. The best case scenario is continuing resolution, which allows the Pentagon to spend money at the same level as the previous year. However, continuous resolution can also lead wasteful and inefficient management.

The United States also has invested billions in Afghanistan's reconstruction. This investment led to the collapse of Afghanistan's government and the death of its army. The United States has spent about $2 trillion on the Afghanistan war since it began in 2001.

Despite all of this Congress has yet not to endorse a transformative 10-year program. The package would have funded climate change, children and a stronger middle-class. There are indications that policymakers are changing their approach.

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A greater level of transparency is needed at the Pentagon. Pentagon has maintained a tight control on budget plans and records. A Pentagon internal study has revealed $125 million in savings. However, the study was buried and has not been made public.

Today, the United States has 150 nukes. These bombs are in existence for over 20 years. They are the main cause of the current arms race. They are also the main cause of the risk of a nuclear war.

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2 Trillion Dollars Spent on Military Investment