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Limiting Space Weapons

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There are no international norms or policies that explicitly limit the use of space weapons. These weapons are not covered by any international law. This can lead to confusion that can lead into armed conflict. The United States has rejected an international treaty restricting the use of these weapons. Russia has also rejected it.

International legal instruments that exist don't limit space weapons explicitly

Space systems play an increasingly important role in war and international security. As such, militaries will likely be able to attack or destroy space systems during conflicts. Many nations are investing in missile defense systems that could be used for anti-satellite warfare. Israel even suggested that it might use its Arrow system to this end in the future. This entanglement between missile defense and space weapons remains a significant problem.

Although the Outer Space Treaty restricts WMD use and deployment in space orbit, the treaty does not prohibit the use of conventional space weapons in space. It does not ban the use of conventional space weapons that are powered by nuclear power sources. There are also no regulations regarding the space trajectory of intercontinental-ballistic missiles.

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U.S. rejects a treaty limiting them

Russia and China submitted a draft agreement to the United Nations that would limit space weapons. The United States, however, is refusing to sign it, citing concerns about the secretive nature of space arms. The Bush administration dismissed it as a diplomatic ploy. The Obama administration also has been reluctant signing the treaty.

Although the United Nations has committed to preventing an outer space arms race it has not yet negotiated a treaty that would limit the use of space weapons. The United States argues that since there is no such race, there is no need to take action, but the international community agrees that now is the time to prevent space weaponization.

The treaty would require states to conduct a legal review of any space weapon before it is used. This review would determine if the weapon violates the laws and principles of weapons law. However, the treaty does not require any state to make public its legal review.


The question of whether Russia has space weapons has been a source of controversy for the past few years. There are many theories. However, some commentators think that Russia is developing space weaponry in response to America's aggressive space weapons program. Russian commentator said that the program would be deterrent against hostile actions using space weapons.

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Russians are testing the limits of their capabilities using anti-satellite guns. These weapons can be used to strike satellites with aircraft and lasers. Russia is also trying to find a way for another satellite to be shot down using one of their own. These weapons are becoming more popular because of our dependence. However, many countries call for a treaty to block the development of these weapons.

Russia's space program plays an important role in its national security. It is vital for Moscow's nuclear forces. Its early warning satellites monitor objects in low Earth orbit and can provide launch data to command and control centers.

Limiting Space Weapons