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Sukhoi Checkmate-A Light Tactical Fighter Made to Hunt American F-22s And F-35s

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Russian plane-maker Sukhoi wants to offer a stealthy fighter called "Checkmate", to export buyers like Vietnam, India, and Argentina. Russian media claim that the single-engine aircraft, which was first displayed in a Rostec teaser clip, has all the hallmarks for a fighter built to hunt American F-22s and F-35 stealth planes.

Checkmate is the fifth-generation, futuristic and light tactical advanced aero combat system developed by Russia's Sukhoi airline manufacturer. It will be available for use in 2025. The company says that the fighter will provide high performance and low operating costs. It will also be capable at long ranges of hunting enemy aircraft, and other objects.

The internal compartment of the checkmate will contain large air-to air and air-to surface armament. Two smaller compartments on either side can be used for defensive weapons. It will be able carry seven tonnes of payload and can attack up six targets simultaneously.

The aircraft will be powered by a turbojet with a thrust-vectoring engine. This provides high speed and range. It will be able to climb quickly and fly at Mach 1.8.

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Additionally, the Su-75 will have the ability to carry a large inventory of guided and unguided weaponry for close air support and offensive strikes. It will be equipped with a variety of missiles including the RVVSD medium-range rocket and RVVMD short-range ballistic missile.

As the model shows, the checkmate looks like a reimagining of the Su-57, with its streamlined fuselage, lift-generating fuselage and blended body configuration with wing leading-edge root extensions (LERXes). The tail surfaces of the Felon are simplified, with stublike horizontal surfaces along each side of exhaust.

This makes the Checkmate closer to the Su-57 in terms design and tallys well with the TASS report, which indicates that the radar and cockpit are unified. This reduces development time and eases the burden for extensive flight trials once the fighter is in service.

The F-35 is its main competitor. It is a single-engine aircraft that has a more complicated wing profile than both the Su-75 or LERXes. Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov stated recently that the Checkmate is less expensive than the F-35.

Checkmate, a Sukhoi-designed light fighter, is now available to foreign clients. It will be in service by 2025. Its design is aimed at providing high speed, low operational cost and high combat effectiveness.

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Yuri Slyusar (UAC CEO) stated that the new fighter will come from the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aerocraft Plant. The plant is also responsible for the Su-57. The fighter will be made available to customers at a cost of US $25-30million per unit, he said.

The Checkmate is an advanced fifth-generation single engine light tactical combat aircraft that will be very cost-effective and perform well. It will reach Mach 1.8 speed and can fly to an altitude up to 8,000 feet.

It will have an operating range of 2,800 kilometers, and a combat payload weight of 7400 kilograms. It will have both unguided or guided weapons for neutralizing enemy command posts and protecting sensitive assets.

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Sukhoi Checkmate-A Light Tactical Fighter Made to Hunt American F-22s And F-35s