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Lasers on Navy Ships

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Although some doubts remain about whether laser weapons can be used against cruise missiles. However, surface Navy ships have the ability to defend themselves. They can also be equipped with high-energy or laser lasers. These weapons can knock out cruise missiles in mid-air, or destroy them if they fly directly at the ship. Lasers also have other uses, such as countering UAVs.

Navy scientists are currently working on several laser weapons for ship. Lockheed Martin developed the High Energy Laser and Integrated Optical–Dazzler & Surveillance System (HELIOS), one of the most powerful. The 60 kilowatt beam will be capable of destroying cruise missiles in midair. The weapon will also feature a deep magazine and high-speed light delivery. The Navy will integrate the weapon onto the DDG 51 Flight III next generation destroyers. These are currently in production. It will also fit on Arleigh Burke's destroyers.

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High-energy laser systems need advanced power technologies. They are susceptible for corrosion and contamination. Additionally, they can be damaged by atmospheric turbulence. The laser produces heat as the beam power increases. A large ship will be required to house a laser of this power. The laser should be placed on an aircraft carrier powered by nuclear energy. A ship equipped with an electrical drive propulsion system is another option.

In addition to the High Energy Laser weapon, the Navy is currently working on a Laser Weapon that can be used against anti-ship cruise rockets. The Naval Surface Warfare Center's Dahlgren Division developed the Optical dazzling interdictor Navy (LaWS). This weapon will be used on a new afloat staging base in the Middle East. This laser can also be used on Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

The laser weapon must have a lot of power in order to be able to counter anti-ship missiles. It will also have to resist loss of power, as the laser beam will need only focus on one target on the missile. It will need to be able resist atmospheric turbulence which can happen when atmospheric conditions change.

Navy scientists and engineers have begun building the Navy Laser Family of Systems. It is hoped that it will be possible to field a super-powerful laser by 2025. The Department of Defense is also working to develop a laser tech maturation plan that could produce a 1-megawatt light source. This would allow the weapon's portability, but limit its power to one application at a time. The Navy will develop a larger-scaled laser weapon for aircraft carrier carriers.

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The US Navy is currently testing lasers aboard the amphibious USS Ponce. This vessel was converted into an Afloat forward staging base in the Persian Gulf. It was operational until September 2017. The ship's beam is a dime-circle, and it was designed to be used against flimsy target boats and drones. It was set to go operational in December 2014. Aside from the SNLWS, UAV-countering laser weapons are also being developed by the Navy. The Navy is collaborating with British industry to create the Advanced Electric Power and Propulsion Project Arrangement. This arrangement will examine future energy storage options for naval weapons.

Lasers on Navy Ships