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The Army Research Laboratory

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The Army Research Laboratory was founded in 1992. It is one of America's most respected laboratories for land forces. This organization is dedicated for cutting-edge scientific discoveries and technological innovation. It acts as a bridge between scientific and military communities by mobilizing both internal and externe science and technology assets to meet Army's future demands.

ARL's research program includes university-affiliated research centers and extramural academic research efforts. This is supported by a strong governance structure. The program is also supported by specially-designed outreach programs. ARL has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a top-ranked consumer education program in 2020.

ARL is headquartered in Raleigh-Durham, NC. It also has facilities in Orlando, NC and Orlando, FL. ARL also forms part of Army Futures Command. This unit is responsible for the planning, development, and implementation of the Army's future. The White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico also houses the laboratory.

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The ARL's research program consists of university-affiliated research centers, single investigator efforts, and specially designed outreach programs. It also uses the technical expertise of specialists in the field. ARL may choose multiple teams depending on the topic. The ARL's research program is one of the largest sources of world-class integrated research in the Army.

A variety of Army acquisitions are supported by the ARL’s research program. These programs include science-technology, such as human factors analysis and technological innovations. The ARL also conducts an aggressive basic science research program for the Army. The ARL program was created to provide the Army innovative science and technology that will enhance the Army's chances for winning future conflicts.

ARL's Open Campus program, which will allow ARL sites to be open to non-ARL personnel, is an exciting initiative. The ARL doesn't currently offer funding opportunities for specific projects, but the Open Campus program will promote collaboration and encourage greater innovation. ARL will also be disseminating information about these opportunities through the Division of Research.

ARL's Open Campus Program will be expanded to include ARL South in Austin, TX. ARL can now leverage the expertise of south-central American researchers with this new location. ARL partners with The University of Texas at Austin (UTAS) to help realize the Third Offset Strategy's objectives.

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ARL's Open Campus initiative, which is being expanded by partnerships with regional universities and local universities, will continue to grow. ARL will leverage its regional expertise by providing internship opportunities for local students. Students can choose to work in any one of six areas: photonics and materials science; advanced sensors; cyber security; energy research; or manufacturing science. Students can also do ARL summer research internships in addition to their internships.

The ARL's Open Campus is a great way for students and researchers to collaborate on important research. This program shows how ARL taps local resources and leverages regional expertise to serve the Army's needs. Whether it's a paid internship or an academic research opportunity, ARL can help students find a place at the forefront of the Army's future.

The Army Research Laboratory