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Posseidon Nuclear Torpedo, and Posseidon Torpedo

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Currently, there are eleven Poseidon test flights conducted. But, many questions remain about the weapon. According to Pentagon estimates, the weapon's payload is approximately two megatons. It could destroy an American city in less than 30 minutes. Poseidon is also capable of carrying both nuclear warheads as well conventional munitions. This means that Poseidon will have a wide range of applications.

Six Poseidon torpedoes can be carried by a submarine. The submarine can travel 80 miles per hour at sea and up up to 70 kms underwater. It can travel to depths up to 3,280ft. It may be equipped with a titanium shell that can withstand extreme pressure.

The Poseidon torpedo could have a diameter of 1.6 m and be about 24 meters long. It would double the size a regular submarine. It is thought to travel at speeds of more than 90 km/h. This is more than double the speed of a conventional submarine. It is also believed that it can travel virtually anywhere in the world.

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The Poseidon Torpedo is not without its flaws. It may be too slow to deliver a retaliatory strike on a coastal city. It might also be hard to detect. Poseidon may also experience a malfunction in its nuclear propulsion system, which could pose a danger to the submarine. It is possible that Poseidon’s nuclear propulsion systems could be radioactive. These concerns aside, it is possible that the Poseidon torpedo could deliver a nuclear explosion, flooding coastal cities in radioactive water.

Satellite images of Russia's Arctic will show Poseidon-sized weapons. However, Russia won't likely test it for the first time anytime soon. Russia is expected to begin testing the weapon soon, maybe in a few more years. Russian ships must travel in Arctic waters before winter freezes to test the weapon.

The Poseidon is still in theory development. However, experts have raised doubts about it. Greenpeace's analyst said there are several issues that need to addressed. It is possible that the torpedo's use may be limited if it isn't armed. In addition, the Russians should put more money into command and control training.

The Poseidon could strike down aircraft carriers and strike teams if it succeeds. It could also target coastal cities and submerged infrastructure. This could be a devastating weapon for NATO's largest power projector assets. Specially modified Oscar submarines will be required to deliver the Poseidon to its target. Russia is expected to build a large carrier to carry the Poseidon. This could take years depending on the type carrier.

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According to a US official, the Russians may be having difficulties testing Poseidon. The US Navy has been preparing countermeasures to protect against Poseidon. Sensor-mines are used to detect and destroy Poseidons.

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Posseidon Nuclear Torpedo, and Posseidon Torpedo